Sunday, August 19, 2007

Still Pushing Along

Alright, so here we are at midnight on Saturday, and so far so good. Jaimie's fever has seriously spiked twice since we got home. Once last night (which I wrote about) and once this afternoon. It's strange that she can go from 98 degrees to 102 in such a short time, but I've seen it happen twice and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again tonight.
So, I am sitting watching a movie, listening to Parker on the baby monitor as he "coos" himself asleep. Think of it as extremly cute snoring :)

My hope is we make it through one night without her fever spiking again. It may be hoping alot, but if we could get through one decent night without any drama I think we would all feel alot better. Chery is planning on staying until at least Tuesday, to get us through Parker's doctor visit on Tuesday and Jaimie's on Monday. After that, we will be on our own. My hope is that everything will begin clearing itself up these next few days, just so e can get into the normal routine of raising a beautiful little newborn. I'd prefer to write about that than what has been happening over the past week.

Updates will continue, feel free to comment!

Also, check out our newest photos, posted today. We haven't had the chance to take lots of pictures the past couple of days, but we are trying to get back into a rhythm.


Anonymous said...

Hey jaimie and jason! I want you to know I am prayer for your health and I hope things get better soon. Please let me know if you need anything. I know AMy is coming out but I would love to help if I can! Mell is keeping me informed on everything and again I hope things get better...I love yall! Mandi

Dad on the Go said...

Thanks Mandi,

We are at home so feel free to give Jaimie a call when you get a second.
