Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Runnin on Empty

Tired and a bit run down, but overall Parker, Jaimie and I are doing ok. I'm listening to him grunt and squeek in his bed right nwo, through the baby monitor. I have a feeling he will be up in a few minutes so I will make this quick.

Jaimie brought Parker up to my office for lunch today and to meet some of my coworkers. EVERYONE loved the little guy. Baby acne and all. He's so cute and such a good baby. He didn't fuss at all while we were there, but he lost it a little at lunch. Jaimie took care of that real quick.

Jaimie and Parker had a doctor's appointment right after lunch. The update, Jaimie STILL has a UTI. It's ANOTHER strain, which leads me to believe this stuff is smarter than modern medicine. Cure it once, it comes back again as something else.

Jaimie feels great and her system seems to be normalizing a bit, but it sounds like she will be on meds for another couple of weeks. She still has to finish what she's on now, but the new perscription is still safe for breast-feeding, so she is fine.

I just uploaded some new photos to look at on the photos page of the site. Feel free to check them out. He's already getting bigger... scary!

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