Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Hits Just Keep on Coming

So, it looks as though Jaimie may have a kidney infection. What does this mean? More hospital time and lots of antibiotics. We won't know for sure how severe it is until we get blood work results back, but best case scenario is another night or two in the hospital.

Chery leaving
this weekend, I had hoped to go back earlier, then take some of those days next week so Jaimie wasn't all of a sudden alone with Parker. Funny, as I had just sent out an email to my co-workers letting them know I'd be back in the office tomorrow... guess not. If Jaimie has to stay in the hospital longer, then I'm not sure how to split my time up. It's the waiting game right now.

Parker is doing fine, but probably confused on why he's sleeping in a glass box again. He actually got about a 3 1/2 nap last night, his gift to me I guess. Longest he's slept through the night yet, although I have to be careful and wake him to eat every couple of hours.

Hopefully, I'll have more to tell this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

We are thinking about you guys. Wish we could be there to help. Please take care of each other and know we love you.

Dad on the Go said...

Thanks Jody! Holdin down the fort!

MaMaJo said...

You sure do have a beautiful family!