Sunday, August 19, 2007

As Well As Can Be Expected

So, it's Sunday night, and overall, today was a pretty good day. Jaimie ran a low-grade fever most of the day, but was up in spirits and definitely up in energy. She did not have any major spikes in temperature overnight, which is really good news. Watching her get the chills and hit 102 degrees makes you feel pretty helpless. For the first time since in a while, even considering multiple AM feedings, Jaimie finally got some well-needed rest.

Today we spent most of our time indoors, checking email, watching TV and playing with little man. He gets serious alert time about three times a day now, with one of them still being midnight to 2am. I am writing now, knowing I'll have to jump off in about 30 minutes to have special "daddy and son" time. 

Jaimie is keeping hydrated, taking her drug cocktails and taking frequent naps during the day while Chery and I continue to trade off house and baby duty. Have I mentioned how much we are going to miss Chery when she leaves? UN-DER-STATE-MENT.

Two of Jaimie's coworkers and friends, Kat and Emily, came over this evening, bringing dinner and well-needed company for Jaimie (thank you both so much, the soup is excellent!) This helped Jaimie's spirits quite a bit, it was good to see her up chatting and "showing off" her new son. Even Mickey got some well needed attention from Kat, his favorite babysitter.

Overall, the day was about what you would have thought last week would have been like. We continue to watch Jaimie's temp and liquid intake, along with a few other issues. But otherwise, we really got a chance to start learning our new routines today.

We will keep watching Jaimie tonight, and hopefully she has another good evening. My plan is to stay home tomorrow and Tuesday, to at least get her through one more night and our next couple of doctor visits. After that, I will try to go back to the office. Will keep the updates coming.


Anonymous said...

Is it still called cluster feeding when you are 34?

Happy Jaimie is doing better.


Dad on the Go said...

Yes, but much more annoying. And aren't you 35?