Monday, August 13, 2007


So here it is, 11:30pm on Monday night and we are back in the hospital. After putting up an amazing front, Jaimie came to the realization that she is not going to get better on her own. Having a UTI during the pregnancy, we assume this caused a weakness to her immune system, which in turn gave her another infection.

At admission, they took her blood and put her on an IV to get her fluids back up. She is sleeping soundly next to me on the left, while little man Parker wiggles around in the bassinet next to me on the right. Hopefully, by tomorrow she will feel better or at least we will know what is wrong with her.

Tonight will be a long night, no doubt about it. Parker had a good 4 hour nap right before we were admitted, as he was in his car seat during that whole time in the comfort of a moving car. Combine that with the fact that he has never been asleep that long since birth, I am going to go ahead and assume sleeping is the last thing on his mind.

And as I say that, he is up and alert and hungry. Time to wake mommy.

I will say this, as easy or as difficult as this past week has been, Jaimie's mother, Chery, has been amazing. Had it not been for her, we would not have gotten Jaimie to the doctor or the hospital today. Both of us would have waited until tomorrow's scheduled doctor's appointment. But she pushed to get us both to check her out, and yes once again, mother knows best.

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