It's interesting to see how quickly Parker changes, and how a little time away seems like you missed an eternity of his life.
Going to Boston last week I had a tiny little helpless infant that could barely focus on an object, barely sleep 2 hours at a time and barely smile. Returning home on friday and spending the entire weekend with friends, he seems like he doubled in size, completely recognizes my face and my voice and making him smile is as easy as making yourself sound like an idiot... something i excel in.
Now, of course I am bias, but I truly believe I have the most beautiful, fastest developing, best natured baby on the planet. I am watching him sleep next to me right now on the sofa and it reminds me of how amazing this whole thing has been. I had an excellent conversation over the weekend with my friend, Jeremy Kinder, about fatherhood (Jeremy and family joined us over the weekend and are currently finishing a trip to Disneyland, check out the NEW photos). Jeremy is one of those guys I have known from a different time, when the idea of fun didn't include teaching your little girl how to pet a doggie or watching The Little Mermaid for the 6th time in the past 4 hours. But we both marveled at how all of the other stuff from our past didn't seem to matter at all now. Your whole world changes, your priorities, your focus.
I think it all goes back to the reality of having someone depend on you so much that the need to be cared for and to grow is only overshadowed by the love driving you to do it. I look at Parker and I see myself, my brother, my father. I see history repeating itself in small, but different ways. I see a woman and a man changing the focus in their lives, because it isn't just THEIR lives anymore. And I see a child that is destined to know more love in his life than he will know what to do with.
I reme,ber some similar thoughts many years ago. Wish I had the talent to say it so well. Love you, Dad
Thanks dad. Yeah, it completely blows me away to have the smartest child on the planet. I am almost embarrassed for the rest of the children we see on the street. They don't realize they are in the presence of genius.
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