Saturday, December 8, 2007

Day Care

On Wednesday, Jaimie, Chery, Parker and I went to visit the USC day care facility... AKA, Parker's 2008 home for the workday. We met the facility coordinator, a number of teachers, and toured the facility.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the set up. The infants have their own room, with a 3 to 1 ratio of babies to teachers. The room is small, but perfect size for little ones. There is also a toddler room, then 2-3 and 4-5. The ratio of teacher to child decreases as the children get older, but overall the level of care seems to be really high.

The advantage to this daycare facility, above all else, is location. Jaimie's office and the daycare actually share the same parking lot. This means it would take Jaimie about 30 seconds to WALK over to visit Parker. It's the same commute to work without a detour. She can pop in whenever she wants to. Convenience can be a huge advantage!

So, once we finish up the paperwork, Parker will officially be a student at USC. I am not sure how I feel about that small detail, but it's something I will learn to get over. GEAUX TIGERS.

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