Sunday, August 3, 2008

Little Man's First Birthday Party

Parker's birthday (if you've kept up from the beginning) is actually August 6th, but as I have been reminded, kid birthday parties are for weekends, so yesterday was Parker's first birthday party.

With trains as the theme, we had plenty of local friends join us for a little backyard BBQ and booze fest in honor of the Little Man. It was a nice warm Pasadena day, which started out with babies and adults hanging out in the backyard then slowly migrating to the air conditioning.

Gramma and Papa Osburn were here to celebrate, with Gramma making an amazing Thomas the Train birthday cake. It's funny, because our family loves the idea of placing a baby in his high chair for birthday #1 and allowing him or her to go to town on their birthday cake. What we learned from our Lake Tahoe vacation the week before (check out the photos) and confirmed at his party, Little Man does not like icing. It's funny to watch, but when he reaches out to help himself to a healthy chunk of Gramma's chocolate love, he recoils in horror as a layer of icing covers his little hand. We expected it, as Tahoe with the Davis clan taught us much, but wow, he HATES icing.

We all enjoyed a good laugh, then moved on to an activity he does enjoy, which was opening presents. The idea of tearing paper and not being told no must be a pretty appealing ideal to a child.
The highlight of the afternoon was actually as everyone was leaving. Left in the house was Mommy, Gramma, Papa, adopted aunt and uncle Andrew and Abby, and Daddy. Little Many REALLY began to walk. Not a step or two then fall, I mean a good 5 to 6 steps to take new toys out of mommy's hands. It was amazing to see/take photos of/video tape. I'm sure it's just the beginning of a new level of crazy in our household, but it was wonderful to have so many great people with us as we witnessed his next major milestone in life. Now that's a birthday present.

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