Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Yes folks, it's official. Parker is now an "on the move" kinda baby! 

While daddy was in San Diego speaking at a conference, mommy saw Poops crawl across the daycare floor. She cried, another mom cried... all was well.

Mommy called Daddy at lunch to let him know, who was very excited and bragged to a bunch of technology guys (who could care less) about how brilliant his son is. Lucky for daddy, this all happened the same day he was to fly home. EVEN luckier, daddy caught an earlier flight and was able to see Poops crawl across the floor (for the remote control) at home before he went to bed.

Daddy was so excited, that he continued to refer to himself in 3rd person throughout the entire blog. Poor, excited daddy.

OK, so check back and I'll have some photos to add very soon!


timloe said...


MaMaJo said...

Way to go Parker. You are about to change mommy and daddy's life again :)!!!!!!! Have fun seeing the world Parkerman. We love you!